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Title: reincarnation

Date: 6th June 2020~

Media: Photograph, app, photoshop

My current practice is probing into identity and involves the beliefs of reincarnation. I have been currently researching about meaning for flowers. When I was researching about it, I thought, when the flowers die, does it mean that there are no differences anymore?

If there aren’t any differences, does it mean they are same? Does it mean until they reincarnate, they will not be able to identify? I thought this might be a great topic for people to think as well so I have started to take photographs of flowers and edit them in colourful images, where you still could recognize that it was a flower.


Recently, there have been a word that influenced me, which is ‘momento mori’. This word means moments of mortality, remember that living things will equally die, that represents how the time passes. When I capture the image of flowers that when it freezes that moment and give them eternal life. 


In my work, I unconsciously return back to flowers. It has become an important ‘point’ in my art pieces and I feel as though I cannot escape from it. I haven’t done lots of digital artwork, but through this I thought that it would be interesting to produce an artwork based on those area.

私は現在、アイデンティティの証明と輪廻転生の信念をコンセプトに作品を制作しています。このコンセプトをベースに花の意味について調べてます。それについて調べている時に、花が枯れることについて考えました。枯れた後には花は全て同じものと化すのか。違いがないのであれば全て同じだということなのか。人間は、輪廻転生するまで存在を認識することができないのか。そこにたどり着き「momento Mori」という言葉を見つけました。花を写真に収めた瞬間、その瞬間を凍らせ、永遠の命を与えてくれるというコンセプトの下作品を制作しています。



© 2016 by Karen Sakashita で作成されました。

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